

Advertise property ad in Times of India

Dec 20, 2018

Advertise property ad in Times of India

All those who think that online advertising has taken over the newspaper’s charms, well guess people still prefer to read a newspaper for trustworthy information and advertisements. Apart from the fact that they are resourceful, newspaper advertising is less daunting than the pop-ups and advertisements we see on the internet. No one likes those annoying yet disturbing advertisements that appear on our computer screen, right? (Most of them are frauds and completely fake!) Thus, a newspaper is a pleasant yet decent way of publishing an advertisement as it will accessible to those people only who actually are in need such as matrimony ads, job recruitment ads, or even a property ad in the newspaper.

People who seek for property ads in the newspaper over online sites where buyers’ are restricted to a specific selected price and category, the well-classified page offers them a wide land of options where they can simply scan their eyes through the page with freedom. Thus, it becomes easy for buyers to make decisions wisely!

Those who are thinking of publishing an advertisement as a seller in the popular newspaper can contact us as we at BookMyAd assist our clients with booking ads as per your requirements and budget in your preferred newspaper. You can even publish job recruitment, property ad in Times of India, Hindustan Times or any other national newspaper. People get confused and think that booking a slot for advertisements is “too much work” and that is why we took an initiative with easing down this task for you. Thus, we offer packages for reference where you can select your category, type of ad, your ad details or information, and lastly, you can pay for your advertisement online (debit card, credit card, demand draft) and voila!

Let’s be real if you want your ad campaign to bring great ROI, then publishing your advertisement in regional or national newspapers will bring good results.


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